Week - 1 |
Information given about the lesson due to delete-add week |
Week - 2 |
General information for students to learn the lesson begins to appear and the course content covering the entire course is canceled a practice exam. |
Week - 3 |
Course notes distributed to students. Giving information about the stages of effective presentation techniques and presentation preparation. In the first assignment the students' effective presentation techniques "are asked to research about |
Week - 4 |
Effective presentations give information about the considerations and presentation tools. Homework as a "introduce a different presentation tools" will be asked. |
Week - 5 |
Introduction to Powerpoint canceled. Run the program, insert a new slide with slide views, and provide relevant information. Also to be transferred to the recording of the presentation. As homework "to prepare a presentation using PowerPoint," will be asked. |
Week - 6 |
Introduction to Powerpoint canceled. Run the program, insert a new slide with slide views, and provide relevant information. Also to be transferred to the recording of the presentation. As homework "to prepare a presentation using PowerPoint," will be asked. |
Week - 7 |
Introduction to Powerpoint canceled. Run the program, insert a new slide with slide views, and provide relevant information. Also to be transferred to the recording of the presentation. As homework "to prepare a presentation using PowerPoint," will be asked. |
Week - 8 |
Setting Animation schemes. Example applications. Setting slide transitions. Homework: Use animation and slide transition to prepare a presentation setting. |
Week - 9 |
Add buttons to slides. Set the background color and background image studies on the addition of the slides. Homework: Example of the background to prepare a presentation prepared. |
Week - 10 |
What was making effective presentations with PowerPoint edilelecek attention? canceled and students are answering the question of sample applications. Research Methods and Seminar course, students study their chosen subjects. Homework: Effective presentation will be asked to do a research about the importance of preparing the colors |
Week - 11 |
meaningand use of colors in the presentation. Examination of examples of effective presentation. Preparing a vehicle for the presentation assessment study. |
Week - 12 |
meaningand use of colors in the presentation. Examination of examples of effective presentation. Preparing a vehicle for the presentation assessment study. |
Week - 13 |
assessment of the exam. Presentations are prepared in accordance with their chosen subjects and the examination of whether there is an effective evaluation. |
Week - 14 |
Final Exam Will Do Will Do During the presentations, and presentation to check the latest status information about the students. studies on sample presentation. |