Week - 1 |
Natural Numbers, Real Numbers |
Week - 2 |
Divisibility Rules |
Week - 3 |
Prime Numbers, Disequilibrium |
Week - 4 |
Rational numbers |
Week - 5 |
Equations, numerical value |
Week - 6 |
Powered numbers |
Week - 7 |
Root numbers |
Week - 8 |
Identity and factorization |
Week - 9 |
Concept of Proportion |
Week - 10 |
equations |
Week - 11 |
Number-Age-percentage-motion problems |
Week - 12 |
Concepts of Mixing and Composition; Calculations of Proportional Division. |
Week - 13 |
Cost and Sales Calculations: Calculating the profit based on the rate of cost value, Calculating the loss, Calculating the profit based on the rate of sales price, , Calculating the total amount of loss; Calculation of Cost and Sales Prices |
Week - 14 |
Interest Calculations: Simple and compound interest calculations; Discount Calculations |