Language of Instruction |
Türkçe |
Course Type |
Area Elective Courses |
Course Instructor(s) |
Mode of Delivery |
The mode of delivery of this course is face to face. |
Prerequisites |
There is no prerequisite or co-requisite for this course. |
Courses Recomended |
There is no recommended optional programme component for this course. |
Recommended Reading List |
"Sanatın Mitolojisi" - İsmail GEZGİN, "Mitoloji ve İkonografi" - Bedrettin CÖMERT, “Mitoloji Sözlüğü" - Azra ERHAT, “Classical Myths in Sculpture" - Walter Raymond AGARD, “Greek Sculpture: The Archaic Period & The Late Classical Period” - John BOARDMAN, "History of the Art of Antiquity" - Johann J. WINCKELMANN, ”Heykeller Konuşabilseydi: Antik Yunan Heykeltıraşlık Sanatına Toplumsal Açıdan Bir Bakış” - Serra DURUGÖNÜL, “Art and the Committed Eye: The Cultural Functions of Imagery” - Richard LEPPERT, “Myth and Meaning” - Claude LÉVY-STRAUSS“Mitolojiden Alegoriye” - Zühre INDIRKAS, "Sembol ve Anlam: Batı Resminde Kutsalın Temsili" - Serap YÜZGÜLLER, “Eski Yunan ve Roma Tarihine Giriş” - Oğuz TEKIN, “Daily Life of the Ancient Greeks" - Robert GARLAND, “Theogony and Works and Days” - HESIOD, “The Iliad & The Odyssey” - HOMER, “Bibliotheca” - APOLLODOROS, “Aeneid” - VIRGIL, “Metamorphoses I-XV” - OVID |
Assessment methods and criteria |
1 presentation for the midterm, 1 exam and 1 assignment for the final. |
Work Placement |
Not available for the course. |
Catalog Content |
The influence of belief systems on visual expressions in human history; the role of mythology in art; prehistoric life and beliefs; culture, art, and image in primitive societies; mythology’s definition and types: ancestor and nature cults, shamanism, totemism, animism, anthropomorphism; Greek myths and pantheon: the birth of gods and humans, Titanomachy, Gigantomachy, Zeus, Apollo, Dionysus, Athena, Artemis, Aphrodite, Hermes, Hades, Poseidon; sculpture traditions in Geometric, Oriental, Archaic, Classical, Hellenistic periods in Ancient Greece, the Parthenon of Athens, the Pergamon Altar of Zeus; interpretations of mythological images in art practice. |