1 |
Have proficiency-level current information in healthcare field with respect to undergraduate level qualifications, develop, and internalize these. |
2 |
Recognize and use the relevant interdisciplinary interaction in the healthcare field. |
3 |
Have the relevant information on information technology, technical equipment, particular devices and tools in healthcare field. |
4 |
Have information on statistics which is frequently used as a tool in research studies on healthcare field, and use the relevant software efficiently. |
5 |
Use the theoretical and practical information acquired on healthcare field. |
6 |
Interpret acquired information on healthcare field by combining them with the information coming from different disciplines to constitute new information, analyze and synthize new information by employing various research methods, and provide solutions accordingly. |
7 |
Report the research completed. |
8 |
Do research by using technological equipment, devices and tools on the relevant field professionally, and solve the problems appeared. |
9 |
Employ the statistical packages on the relevant field efficiently, choose the appropriate statistical methods, calculate and interpret the data efficiently. |
10 |
Plan and do the experimental research. |
11 |
Construct on topics requiring specialities of healthcare field, provide solutions, solve problems, analyze the results, and when necessary employ them. |
12 |
Work on possible solutions if come across unpredictable situations on healthcare field and solve them by taking responsibility. |
13 |
Work individually or in team in the studies on healthcare field. |
14 |
Publish an article and present it in a conference in a national magazine. |
15 |
Research, publish, and present on specialized field and public health. |
16 |
Evaluate the information on healthcare field critically and manage his own learning. |
17 |
Employ professional development and life-long learning principles relevant to healthcare in his own research studies. |
18 |
Make statistical analyses in the level of interpreting an article, follow the proofs, and provide evidence in his own field by doing research. |
19 |
Share and discuss the information, current developments, and his own studies on healthcare field with the contemporaries in his own field or other disciplines. |
20 |
Analyze the social relationships and norms affecting these relationships in the academic atmosphere critically and do whatever needs accordingly. |
21 |
Communicate orally and in written form effectively in a foreign language in B2 level with respect to Common European Framework. |
22 |
Interpret the plans on strategy and politics development on healthcare field, and evaluate the results in scientific and ethical respects. |
23 |
Consider scientific and ethical values on collecting, reporting, and interpreting data on healthcare field, and teach these values. |
24 |
Employ the acquired information and problem solving skills on healthcare field in interdisciplinary studies. |
25 |
Evaluate current developments on healthcare field by considering national values including children and family. |
26 |
Develop politics and practical plans on healthcare field, and evaluate the results on the basis of quality stages. |
27 |
Contribute to national and international healthcare studies to improve health. |
28 |
Be aware of the importance of ethic rules and principles for the society, and behave accordingly. |