Week - 1 |
General Characteristics of Bacteria |
Week - 2 |
Bacterial Genetics and Genetic-based Tests |
Week - 3 |
Bacterial Pathogenicity |
Week - 4 |
Antimicrobial Approaches |
Week - 5 |
Bacteriological Laboratory Methods |
Week - 6 |
Basic Micology |
Week - 7 |
Quiz |
Week - 8 |
Structural Components of Immunity |
Week - 9 |
Humoral and Cellular Immunity |
Week - 10 |
Humoral and Cellular Immunity |
Week - 11 |
Specific situation in İmmunity |
Week - 12 |
Specific Situations in Immunity |
Week - 13 |
Serology |
Week - 14 |
Quiz |