Recommended Reading List |
Alptekin, C. (2007). Teaching ELF as a language in its own right: communication or prescriptivism. ELT Journal 61/3: 267–8.Bardovi-Harlig,K. & Reynolds, D.W. (1995). The Role of Lexical Aspect in The Acquisition of Tense and Aspect. TESOL Quarterly. 29/1.107-131.Benati,A. (2001). A comparative study of the effects of processing instruction and output-based instruction on the acquisition of the Italian future tense. Language Teaching Research 5;95-127.Chang,S. (2011). A contrastive study of grammar translation method and communicative approach in teaching English grammar .English. Language Teaching, Vol. 4, No. 2; pp.13-24.Celce –Murcia, M. (1991). Grammar pedagogy in second and foreign language teaching. TESOL Quarterly 25;459-479.Ellis,R., Baştürkmen,H. & Loewen,S. (2001). Preemptive focus on form in the ESL classroom. TESOL Quarterly. 35/3.407-432. Fotos ,S.S. (1993). Consciousness raising and noticing through focus on form:Grammer task performance versus formal instruction. Applied Linguistics, 14(4).Fotos, S.S. (1994). Integrating grammar instruction and communicative language use through grammar conscionusness-raising tasks. TESOL Quarterly 28; 323-351 Hunston, S., Francis,G. & Manning,E. (1997). Grammar and vocabulary: Showing the connections. ELT Journal 51; 208-217.Koda, K. (2007). Reading and language learning: Crosslinguistic constraints on second language reading development. Language Learning.57/1.pp.1-44.Kuo, I. V. ( 2007). A response to Cem Alptekin. ELT Journal 61/3: 269–71.Mumford, S. (2007). The grammar of spoken English. Modern English Teacher 16/4: 27–30.Mumford, S. (2009). An analysis of spoken grammar: The case for production. ELT Journal, 63/2. Paltridge, B.(1996). Genre, text type, and the language learning classroom. ELT Journal 50; 237-243.Paribakht, T.S.& Wesche ,M. (1999). Reading and incidental L2 vocabulary acquisition. SSLA 21;195-224. Purves, A.C.1984.The teacher as reader:an anatomy.College English 46;259- 263 Rusciolelli,J. (1995). Students responses to reading strategies instruction. Foreign Language Annals 28;263-273. Shehadeh,A. (2001). Self- and other-initiated modified output during task-based interaction. TESOL Quarterly, 35(3), 433-457.Thornbury, S. (1997). Reformulation and reconstruction: tasks that promote noticing. ELT Journal 51; 327-335. VanPatten, B. (1993). Grammar teaching for acquisition-rich classroom. Foreign Language Annals, 26; 435-450. VanPatten, B. & Cadierno,T. (1993). Explicit instruction and input processing. SSLA 15; 225-243. VanPatten, B. & Oikkenon, S. (1995). Explanation versus structured input in processing instruction. SSLA 18;495-510.Willis, D. & Willis,J. (2007). Doing task-based teaching. Oxford: Oxford University Press. |