Week - 1 |
Scope and Development Stages of Retailing; Functions of Retailing: The importance of retailing in the distribution system, Retail stores; Retail Sales and its Characteristics; Retail Sector: Traditional and organized retail market, performance indicators of retail sector; Economic and Social Impacts of Retailing: Economic impacts of retailing, Impact of retailing on other sectors, Retail sales, The contribution of retailing to employment, The contribution of retailing through increased productivity, The contribution of retailing by attracting national and international investors, Relative reduction in the price, Reducing informal economy, Increasing product/service quality, The contribution of retailing through private label products, The social impacts of retailing. |
Week - 2 |
Career Opportunities in Retail Industry; Trends and Developments in Retailing: Increasing importance of technology in retailing, Shrinking economies and declining consumption expenditures, New retail formats, Shortening retail life cycle and the retail convergence, The rise of mega retailers, Rapid growth of non-store retailing, Green retailing, Internationalization of large-scale retailers. |
Week - 3 |
Demographic Factors: Population growth rate, Distribution of population by age groups, Baby boomers (1946-1964), Generation X (1965-1976), Generation Y (1977-1994), Generation Z (1995-....), Distribution of population by gender, Urbanization rate, Number and size of households, Distribution of population by family life cycle, Education level of consumers; Economic Factors: Consumers' income, Income distribution, Inflation, Unemployment, Consumer credit and credit card use, Changing nature of consumption and production. |
Week - 4 |
Socio-Cultural and Psychological Factors: Changes in the role of women, Changes in consumers' purchasing habits, Customer motivations, Changes in lifestyle, Competition; Developments in Technology and Communication Tools: Barcodes, Radio-frequency promotional labels (RFID), 2D QR barcodes (New 2D Barcode System), Smart information terminals (Kiosks), Smart mirrors, Smart shelves, Smart shopping cart, Electronic label system, Smart label and smart packaging, Smart scales, Electronic billboards, Cashierless checkout, Pay by touch, Digital invoices, Electronic data interchange (EDI), Automated inventory tracking system (AIT), Smart stores, Advances in communication tools; Legal and International Environment. |
Week - 5 |
Ethics in Retailing: Retailer-shareholder relations and ethics, Retailer-supplier relations and ethics (Shelf price, Commercial bribery, Refusal to do business, Supplier discrimination, Dual distribution, Discriminatory pricing, Vertical price agreements, Gray markets, Special territories, Private distribution agreements, Binding agreements, Incentives), Retailer's relations with competitors and unethical practices (Attracting competitor's successful employees, Retail espionage, Horizontal price agreements, Disruptive pricing, Disparaging competitors' retail mix), Retailer-employee relations and unethical practices, Unethical practices in retailer-consumer relations (Counterfeit goods, Product quality, Pricing, Gift giving), Employee-customer relations. |
Week - 6 |
Consumer Ethics; Retailing and Social Responsibility: Responsibilities to customers, Responsibilities to employees, Responsibilities to shareholders, Responsibilities to suppliers, Responsibilities to society, Responsibilities to the environment, Economic responsibilities of businesses, Legal responsibilities of businesses, Ethical responsibilities of businesses, Voluntary responsibilities of businesses (Social purpose incentives, Cause-related marketing, Corporate social marketing, Corporate philanthropy, Community volunteering, Socially responsible business practices); Green Retailing. |
Week - 7 |
Mid-term exam |
Week - 8 |
Classification of Retailing Institutions; Store Retailing: Food-dominated retail stores (Convenience stores, Traditional supermarkets, Hypermarkets, Limited range stores, Warehouse stores), General product retailers (Special or specialty stores, Department stores, Discount stores, Variety stores, Low priced retailers, Factory outlets, Warehouse clubs, Flea and street markets, Shopping malls). |
Week - 9 |
Non-store retailing: Advantages and disadvantages of non-store retailing, Factors affecting the development of non-store retailing, Non-store retailing practices (Direct mailing, Catalog selling, Mass media retailing, Newspaper and magazine based applications, Radio and television based applications, Telemarketing, Vending machines and kiosks, Direct selling, Electronic retailing); Combining In-store Retailing and Non-Store Retailing Applications. |
Week - 10 |
Independent Retailing: Advantages and disadvantages of independent retailing; Chain Stores: Advantages and disadvantages of chain stores; Franchising: Types of franchising, Benefits of franchising system, Disadvantages of franchising system. |
Week - 11 |
A Leased Department Store: Advantages of leasing a department, Disadvantages of leasing a department; Vertical Marketing Systems; Consumer Cooperatives, Service Retailing and Its Importance: Characteristics that distinguish service retailers from product retailers; Strategies for Service Retailers. |
Week - 12 |
Definition of International Retailing; Internationalization Trends of Retailing in the World; Internationalization Trends of Retailing in Turkey; Reasons That Drive Businesses to International Markets; Factors Affecting Internationalization. |
Week - 13 |
Alternatives for International Market Entry: Direct entry, Mergers or acquisitions, Joint ventures, Franchising, Concession, Licensing; Reasons for Success and Failure in Internationalization. |
Week - 14 |
Final exam |