Week - 1 |
Course introduction and learning outcomes |
Week - 2 |
Objectives of tax and tax policy |
Week - 3 |
Tax policy tools |
Week - 4 |
Tax revenues and tax policy |
Week - 5 |
The limits of taxation and its importance for tax policy |
Week - 6 |
Efficiency and optimality in taxation |
Week - 7 |
Economic analysis of income tax |
Week - 8 |
Economic analysis of expenditure taxes |
Week - 9 |
Business cycles and tax policies |
Week - 10 |
Tax policy and income—wealth redistribution |
Week - 11 |
Environment issues and tax policies |
Week - 12 |
Tax revenue forecasting methods and policy analysis |
Week - 13 |
End of semester paper presentations |
Week - 14 |
End of semester paper presentations |