Language of Instruction |
Türkçe |
Course Type |
Required Courses |
Course Instructor(s) |
Mode of Delivery |
The mode of delivery of this course is face to face. |
Prerequisites |
There is no prerequisite or co-requisite for this course |
Courses Recomended |
None. |
Recommended Reading List |
None. |
Assessment methods and criteria |
1 Midterm Exam (Test), Final Exam (Classic) |
Work Placement |
None. |
Catalog Content |
Placement approaches in special education, together and separate education; definition of inclusion; the concept, history, legal basis and types of the least restrictive educational environment; supportive special education services, counseling, in-class support and resource room; cooperation in inclusion: definition, importance and types; inclusion process in Turkey, inclusion from past to present; inclusion in the legal regulations related to special education in Turkey. |