1 |
do research in the field of biochemistry |
2 |
design, carry out and finalize scientific researches in the field of biochemistry, and find solutions to problems they encounter in these processes |
3 |
work in cooperation with other scientific disciplines |
4 |
have advanced knowledge and practical experience about the stucture, function and metabolism of biomolecules |
5 |
comprehend biochemical studies and present such studies in oral, written and visual form |
6 |
comprehend the working principles of equipment and devices used in biochemical studies, and make use of such equipment and devices |
7 |
define the types of cell death and determine their distinctive features |
8 |
communicate effectively with the sense of professional responsibility |
9 |
identify structure of the cell membrane, and explain structural elements and mechanisms of cell protection |
10 |
identify biochemical problems and formulate solutions to these problems |
11 |
have advanced knowledge and practical experience about the cell culture |