Week - 1 |
Difference between phonetics and phonology. International Phonetic Alphabet.
Différence entre phonétique et phonologie. Alphabet phonétique International. |
Week - 2 |
Exercises in phonetic transcription
Exercices de transcription en alphabet phonétique |
Week - 3 |
Syllabic structure and rhythmic groups
Structure syllabique et groupes rythmiques |
Week - 4 |
The French Liaison
La liaison en Français |
Week - 5 |
The elision in French
L'élision en Français |
Week - 6 |
Prosody: stress, intonation, rhythm in French
Prosodie: accent, l'intonation, rythme en Français |
Week - 7 |
Expressive functions of intonation
Fonctions expressives de l'intonation |
Week - 8 |
General classification of sounds. Differing characteristics of vowels and consonants
Classement général des sons. Caractéristiques des sons vocaliques et des sons consonnatiques. |
Week - 9 |
Exercises on the sounds and graphemes that correspond to these sounds: 1. [i] [y] [u]
Exercices portant sur les sons et les graphèmes correspondants: 1. [i],[y],[u] |
Week - 10 |
2. [ə], [ɛ] et [e] |
Week - 11 |
3. Differences in timbre of rounded vowels
3. Différences de timbre des voyelles arrondies |
Week - 12 |
4. Nasal vovels
4. Voyelles nasales |
Week - 13 |
5. Semi-consonants
5. Semi-consonnes |
Week - 14 |
An overview. |