Language of Instruction |
Türkçe |
Course Type |
Required Courses |
Course Instructor(s) |
Mode of Delivery |
The mode of delivery of this course is Face to face |
Prerequisites |
There is no prerequisite or co-requisite for this course. |
Courses Recomended |
No |
Recommended Reading List |
Acar, N. V. (1994). Terapötik İletişim: Kişilerarasi İlişkiler. Ankara : Ertem Matbaacılık. Brown, Duane ve David J. Srebalus. Introduction to the Counseling Profession. 2. basım. Boston : Allyn and Bacon, c1996.Carkhuff, Robert R. (2000). The Art of Helping in the 21st Century. 8. basım. Amherst, Mass. : Human Resource Development Press, 2000.Corey, Gerald (2005). Theory and Practice of Counseling & Psychotherapy. 7. basım. Australia: Thomson /Brooks-Cole.Cormier, Sherry ve H. Hackney. (1999). Counseling Strategies and Interventions. 5. basım. Boston, Mass.: Allyn and Bacon.Gerard, Egan (2002). The skilled helper : a problem-management and opportunity-development approach to helping. 7.basım. Pasific Grove, Ca.: Brooks/Cole. Ivey, A. E., M. B. Ivey ve L. Simek-Downing (1987). Counseling and Psychotherapy : Integrating Skills, Theory, and Practice. 2. basım. Englewood Cliffs, N.J. : Prentice-Hall.Okun, Barbara F. (1997). Effective Helping: Interviewing and Counseling Techniques. 5. basım. Pacific Grove, Ca.: Brooks/Cole Thomson Learning. Patterson, Lewis E. ve E. R. Welfel. (2000). The Counseling Process. 5. basım. Belmont, California: Brooks/Cole Publishing Company. |
Assessment methods and criteria |
To offer individual consultation reports in accordance with the requirements of the course in terms of quantity and quality. |
Work Placement |
N/A |
Catalog Content |
Planning and Application of Counseling Process: Initiation, Exploration, Termination, Analysis of Sessions, Supervision and Assessing Supervision, Problems faced during the counseling process, those related to the counselor, counselee and counselor-counselee relationship of Individual Counseling Process, Solutions of these problems and specific applications to solve them. Assessing the results of applications. |