1 |
plan, implement , evaluate the process of creative drama aiming to support all developmental areas by taking individual differences into account |
2 |
organize physical and psychological environment in the process of creative drama education. |
3 |
cooperate with stakeholders(families, local governments, universities, related institutions and so on.) to solve the problems in creative drama applications and in the field of education. |
4 |
put plans into practice in order to develop students as democratic and effective citiziens. |
5 |
know past and contemporary arts and art education methods. |
6 |
express themselves by voice, body and word as a participant or trainer through creative drama education. |
7 |
know the principles of instruction and methods of instruction and percieve similarities and differences between creative drama and instruction. |
8 |
use the appropriate methods and techniques to develop students’ critical thinking ability, creative thinking ability, the ability of research and problem solving. |
9 |
know the historical development of the area of creative drama. |
10 |
join in seminars,activities which develop knowledge and the abilities of himself and his efficiency of work as a volunteer. |
11 |
know and use the basic concepts and scientific and artistic terminology in the area of creative drama |
12 |
know the precursors of creative drama in Turkey , and also in the world ; the concepts of creative drama and reflect this knowledge into his practice. |
13 |
follow publications and the research in the field of creative drama and reflects them into his practices. |
14 |
plan, implement and evaluate the social projects related with the field of creative drama. |
15 |
know the process of playing games,improvisation,role-playing and implement them in collaboration with his or her students. |
16 |
never use the private problems of participants as a topic in creative drama process and never allow this. |
17 |
know the techniques used in creative drama and transfer them into practices according to purposes they are used. |
18 |
use the education technology according to creative drama education and instruction. |
19 |
evaluate the creative drama curriculum and implement the necessary regulations. |
20 |
obey the rules of the proffession ethics of creative drama educator . |
21 |
carry out the creative drama education process through with national and universal values. |
22 |
practice principles based on the general purpose of education and educational sciences using their creative drama education |
23 |
have all ethical values of social,academical, proffesional and uses them in creative drama practice. |
24 |
percieve creative drama as interdisciplinary area and design his or her original plans and implements them. |
25 |
plan the process of learning and teaching related with creative drama by taking into account individual differences, developmental characteristics of students, characteristics of the subject area. |
26 |
design,use, develop, evaluate appropriate learning materials to create effective teaching and learning processes in the process of creative drama. |
27 |
set up connections to daily life in the process of creative drama learning and teaching. |
28 |
know and implement the creative drama measuring and evaluation criteria and forms. |
29 |
use effectively selectivity skills based on objective criteria and aesthetic understanding in the process of creative drama. |
30 |
participate in all current events related with Cinema, Music, Dance, Theatre and establish the relationship between creative drama and other arts. |
31 |
make practices to increase the awareness about creative drama practices and positive contribution to society with the art. |
32 |
use the interactive relationship between Creative Drama, Literature in the plans of education and instruction. |
33 |
establish the relationship between aesthetics, art, and creative drama. |
34 |
plan, implement, evaluate the lesson plans with the consciousness of that creative drama is also an art education / aesthetic education. |
35 |
recognize the different approaches about the topics of acting and stage trainning and use these approaches in the process of creative drama. |
36 |
prepeare a theatrical show by benefitting from the methodology and techniques of creative drama when it is neccessary. |
37 |
have experience in acting and stage knowledge. |
38 |
know the theatre theory & movements and when necessarry, transmit this information in the work of creative drama. |
39 |
have the knowledge of the basic regie. |