Week - 1 |
In this course, github and Mergen page, where the course resources are located, will be introduced as an introduction to the course, and information about the course and exams will be given. In addition, students will be given homework on drawing a map of Turkey based on the data they will obtain from the Turkish Statistical Institute with the Stata program. |
Week - 2 |
In this course, students will first be given a brief history of geography and then the basic differences between place, space and location will be explained and the sub-branches of geography and geography (physical, economic and human) will be introduced. |
Week - 3 |
In this course, students will be introduced to the concepts of Strategy, Geopolitics and Geostrategy and learn Turkey's geopolitical power sources. Then they will learn about Turkey's place and position in political and military groups in the world from a historical perspective. After that, they will learn about specific power centers and international organizations such as the Council of Europe, the European Union, NATO, the United Nations. |
Week - 4 |
In this course, basic physical geography concepts will be introduced to the students and then Turkey's geological and geomorphological features will be introduced. Then information about Turkey's climate and the factors affecting the climate will be given. Finally, information about Turkey's soil structure and vegetation will be given. |
Week - 5 |
In this course, students will learn the relationships between human geography and its sub-disciplines such as population geography and economic geography. Then, the geographical factors affecting the distribution of population in Turkey will be examined together with the distribution of population on the basis of provinces and regions from a historical perspective. Finally, population policies implemented in Turkey will be discussed. |
Week - 6 |
As a continuation of the previous week, this course will focus on the change in population structure in Turkey. Concepts such as aging population, population pyramid, population by educational status, crude mortality and birth rate, schooling rate will be emphasized and the development in this context in Turkey will be emphasized. In this section, students will also be informed about the classification of statistical regional units as NUTS-1, NUTS-2 and NUTS-3. |
Week - 7 |
In the week before the exam, the topics covered from the beginning of the course will be reviewed and examples of the types of questions that are likely to appear in the midterm exam will be shared. |
Week - 8 |
In this course, the issue of internal migration in Turkey will be emphasized. The distinction between internal migration and external migration will be made and the factors underlying the phenomenon of migration will be conveyed to the students from a historical perspective in Turkey. |
Week - 9 |
In this course, first, the concept of economic geography will be mentioned and then information about Turkey's economic geography will be given. Then, the most important economic activity in Turkey until the end of the 1950s will be emphasized on the agricultural sector. Information about the history of agriculture, Turkey's land assets and agricultural activities in Turkey will be given. |
Week - 10 |
In this course, the Industrial Revolution, which started in England in the first half of the 1800s, will be introduced and the issues that led to the Industrial Revolution will be mentioned. Then, the last period of the Ottoman Empire and industrialization efforts in Turkey after the proclamation of the Republic will be explained in terms of periods. In addition, students will also be introduced to the concepts of statism, protectionism, private sector-led industrialization, import substitution and liberal economic policies. |
Week - 11 |
In this course, first, the concepts of domestic trade and foreign trade will be emphasized and information about trade activities in Turkey will be given. Then, information about tourism regions and tourism activities in Turkey will be given. Finally, transportation types will be discussed and the factors affecting transportation activities in Turkey will be emphasized. |
Week - 12 |
In this course, after talking about the history of settlements in Turkey, information will be given about the types of settlements in Turkey, rural-urban distinction, dense urban, medium-dense urban and rural definitions. Finally, information about urbanization and slum problem in Turkey will be given. |
Week - 13 |
In this course, the outputs of the homework assignments on drawing maps on Level-2 and Level-3 basis in Turkey with the Stata program given to the students at the beginning of the semester will be checked and the students will be asked to present the maps they have drawn. |
Week - 14 |
In the week before the exam, the topics covered from the beginning of the course will be reviewed and examples of the types of questions that are likely to appear in the midterm exam will be shared. |